
PHP Top Sites

Este código é o melhor de sistemas de Top Sites, com administração, envio de e-mails, sistema de sites rejeitados, tudo passando pelo administrador do site e com instalador automático.

Desenvolvido originalmente por André Uebas.

Em anexo está o Código Completo

=$shown order by hitin DESC,ranks DESC,star DESC,hitout DESC limit $from,$t_step",$db) or die (mysql_error());
	$tquery = mysql_db_query ($dbname,"select count(sid) as total from top_user where status='Y'",$db) or die (mysql_error());
else {
	$squery = mysql_db_query ($dbname,"select *,if (rank/votes, rank/votes,0) as ranks,if (stars, stars,0) as star from top_user where status='Y' AND hitin>=$shown and category=$cid order by hitin DESC,ranks DESC,star DESC,hitout DESC limit $from,$t_step",$db) or die (mysql_error());
	$tquery = mysql_db_query ($dbname,"select count(sid) as total from top_user where status='Y' and category=$cid",$db) or die (mysql_error());


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0) { $rating = $rows[ranks]; } else { $rating = 0;} ?>
Pages: $i] "; } $sstep = $sstep + $step; $i++; } ?>
Random Link

"; ?>
"; } ?> 0) { if (time() - $rows[sid] - 86400*$new_site_days < 0) echo $new_site_image; } if ($rows[stars] > 0) { $sc = $rows[stars]; while ($sc > 0) { echo "$rows[stars] Stars"; $sc--; } } ?>
Minha Revisão ($reviews)    "; } if ($use_taf == 1) { echo "Recomenda    "; } if ($cid == 0) { $categ = get_site_category($rows[sid],$rows[category]); echo "Category : $categ"; } ?>

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